Four Things To Remember When Producing An Animated Video
by Admin | May 28, 2014 | BlogWhen producing a fully animated video production, you may feel a little...
Changing the Face of Beauty: Integrate Individuals With Disabilities Into General Advertising
by Admin | March 28, 2013 | BlogA really powerful video is priceless and so is a really powerful...
The Sound of Success: Using Sound Effects
by Admin | February 25, 2013 | BlogA well-timed, quality sound effect in a video can be the difference...
Maintaining Video and Audio Quality on the Web
by Admin | February 13, 2013 | BlogIt's one thing to produce a compelling video, it's another thing entirely...
SolidLine Media's Sweet Suites
by Admin | January 8, 2013 | BlogMost offices have a token "sweet tooth," but at SolidLine Media it's less about...
A Solid Start to the New Year
by Admin | January 3, 2013 | Behind the SolidLineHere at SolidLine Media we rang in 2013 the same way we...
Tell Us About Your Project
Regardless of the type of video your organization needs from our team, there’s a
perfect mix of live video and motion graphics that will meet your needs