What makes a great Super Bowl ad? As much awareness as possible for your brand, while conveying what your brand does, and leaving the audience with a positive feeling towards your brand.
And maybe just making us laugh with a screeching goat.
So here we go – SolidLine’s picks for the best ads of the 2013 Super Bowl….
Ram Trucks – “Farmer”
Once of the most well-received spots of the Super Bowl, Ram Trucks’ tribute to the farmers of America features a famous speech from late broadcaster Paul Harvey. When Harvey’s words are paired with such strong images, it’s like time just stops. It’s hard not to pay attention, and it leaves the viewer with such a positive feeling. Great spot.
Best Buy – “Asking Amy”
Here’s one of the few spots that utilized a big name star. Best Buy brings in Amy Poehler to be Amy Poehler – quick, funny dialogue while interacting with all of the different products you find in the store. Plus, it makes the Blue Shirts look patient and ready to help you.
VW – “Get In. Get Happy”
One of the most “controversial” ads leading up to the Super Bowl, VW’s “Get In. Get Happy.” features a Minnesotan speaking in a thick Jamaican accent. Sure, some objected to a white guy doing the accent, but VW was clearly trying to use it in a positive way. Driving their car makes you happy.
Samsung – “The Next Big Thing”
Seeing two stars like Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd desperately try to get into a Super Bowl spot while making fun of Super Bowl spots is funny. They even manage to poke fun at Samsung’s LeBron commercials, and work in a tablet in the process.
Tide – “Miracle Stain”
This spot uses humor, incorporates football, and shows how strong the product is – all with a definite beginning, middle and end. Solid.
Go Daddy – “Your Big Idea”
Wait….a Go Daddy commercial that doesn’t have two people making out with sloppy sound effects? And WAIT…a Go Daddy commercial designed to tell the audience what Go Daddy does, while using humor to reinforce it? MORE EVERYTHING, SKY WAITRESS!
Doritos – “Goat For Sale”
Call this one a guilty pleasure. Why is this guy buying a goat, exactly? And why does he have so many Doritos? But when that goat walks into the empty kitchen and screams…who cares? The whole commercial exists for that one shrieking goat moment.
Another Super Bowl in the books. Did we miss your favorite commercial? Leave a comment below and let us know!
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