It was impossible to be based in Chicago and not have Ebert on the mind, not that we minded. Every week we logged onto his website to read his take on the weekend’s new movies, and we spent many an afternoon getting lost in classic “Siskel & Ebert” clips on YouTube.
So we thought we’d post some of our favorite “Siskel & Ebert” clips today to honor a true media legend. There will never be another film critic like Roger Ebert. RIP.
“Siskel & Ebert” review “The Mask” – Watch how Roger laughs when he knows he’s under Gene’s skin…
Siskel & Ebert take on “Full Metal Jacket” – On the flip side, watch Gene get to Roger….
Siskel & Ebert’s early days, reviewing “Taxi Driver”….
Siskel & Ebert review “Blue Velvet,” once again Gene gives it to Roger, who knows how to defend his opinions….
And finally, some classic “Siskel & Ebert” outtakes from the 1980s. Some NSFW language here….
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