Bottom line? They hope to make medicine and hospitals safer, and more open and honest when things do go wrong. We all will get sick, or we’ll know somebody who ends up in a hospital, so the work of this organization is important to all of us. Last week brought that even further to light.
Check out this small clip of Transparent Health and everything they’re up to in Telluride…
Telluride has to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth. From mountains to valleys, our crew was treking thousands of feet up and down to get every shot possible. The images and footage we were able to capture was absolutely breathtaking. Just check out some of these images….
But it wasn’t all pretty. Colorado is currently facing one of its most trying times with the wildfire outbreaks across the state. Thousands of people have lost their homes. As the crew was driving through the state, they stopped in Grand Junction, where the the Pine Ridge Fire was roaring and shutting down roads. Here are a few photos they snapped…..
Overall, it was an extremely powerful week. We’ll keep you posted as production moves forward with Transparent Health. This will be a very important project that could have a tremendous impact across the nation. And we’ll continue to have the people of Colorado in our thoughts and prayers, as they struggle with controlled and coping with the wildfire outbreaks.
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