In recent years, IP technology has opened a whole new type of broadcasting. This new form of technology has resulted in event workflows becoming increasingly flexible. In addition, high-end live event videos can be seamlessly and instantaneously shared and transported. As a result, more live events are now being streamed online. In this post, we will elaborate on the benefits of remote production for live events, and maybe, you will realize that this option works for you too!
Allows You to Cut Down on Costs
One of the biggest concerns for video production is the significant costs that stakeholders and broadcasters need to shoulder. Remote event production helps to reduce these costs since less resources are needed to be spent on equipment and staff transportation. Gone are the days when you will have to ferry an entire team of managers, editors, and engineers to and from filming locations. Instead, fewer staff members will be required, effectively lowering the budget needed. Furthermore, fragile and delicate equipment no longer has to be transported over long distances where they risk being damaged.
Helps You Consolidate Your Resources
Remote production enables you to manage and edit both video and audio streams in a centralized studio. This way, you have more autonomy over the quality of the remote video production process. This is extremely useful during the editing phase of a project. Since all your technical and manpower resources are at one location, lighting and sound can be more easily adjusted to your liking. At SolidLine Media’s studio, all our equipment are regularly tested to ensure they are always ready to go!
Enables You to Speed Up and Increase Workflow
Live event remote production services also allow you to maximize productivity.With traditional forms of video production, onsite staff will have to be stationed at a particular location and could only focus on that specific live production. Remote production allows people to host multiple events simultaneously without worrying about transporting staff around. This also means you require less manpower as a whole. In fact, SolidLine Media has complete studio capabilities so that clients do not need to worry about managing their logistics and focus on the event itself.
How to Get Started
Introducing our SolidLive virtual event production and live streaming services. The SolidLine crew is trained to produce entertaining and TV-quality virtual content. From one-on-one interviews to experts panels to roundtable discussions, we can stream high-end videos to entertain your audience.
If you are interested in learning more about remote production for live events, you can contact us today.
Tell Us About Your Project
Regardless of the type of video your organization needs from our team, there’s a
perfect mix of live video and motion graphics that will meet your needs