SLM: In your own words, what is an externship?
PP: An Externship is an opportunity to learn in a professional environment. The extern gets to know the employees and experiences that they would do on an average workday.
SW: An externship is a mini internship in which a student can gain more knowledge about a field of study. Externships provide more hands on experience and knowledge that a student can use throughout their college career and when the student goes to find a job in the real world. Externships provide a way for a student to see what working in a specific career field is like on a day-to-day basis.
SLM: What are you looking forward to the most while externing here at SolidLine?
PP: I’m looking forward to having hands on experience in a “real-world” setting. Also, I’m excited to learn Avid so I can have a little more variety when it comes to editing software.
SW: I am looking forward to gaining more hands on experience in video production that I can learn from and use in my projects at SIU and in a future career. I’m excited to learn more about what makes an effective interview setup through filming the cupcake competition and how to edit projects using AVID instead of Final Cut Pro. I’m hoping to improve my interview and editing skills to a more professional level.
SLM: Initial impression of the SolidLine crew? (Be honest!)
PP: They seem like awesome people! So far, my first impression is that they are all nice, funny, and easy-going. I’m really excited to work with them!
SW: The SolidLine crew was very welcoming and laid back. I immediately got the impression that if I had any questions, someone would be more than willing to help me find the answer.
SLM: And lastly, where do you want to be in 5 years? 10 years?
PP: The dream is to move out to LA and work at a Production company. Hopefully, after about 10 years I will have a Production Company of my own. Preferably in Portland, Oregon.
SW: In the next five years I hope to be moving up from a small market job to a larger market job, possibly Chicago. I would like to be working for a news station or a video production company, as both are my top interests. In 10 years I hope to be working at the same job, but at a different job level (possibly directing or editing) or be at a new job in an even larger market (possibly LA).
There you have it, folks! Stay tuned for updates on the exciting week we have planned for the Externs.
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