Shout out to John, Michael Kromm, and Ethan for teaching me a lot of techniques in editing and ways to edit in a team and more efficiently. You guys are awesome!

In addition to my post-production duties I did get to learn more about graphic arts and After Effects and really appreciate all of the things that Adam, Mike, Ethan, and Joe have taught me. The most awesome thing that I learned from the art department is how to use AfterEffects and if you look at my wing challenge video, my titles have fire which is so cool! Thanks Adam for teaching me that.

I also learned a lot about professional writing from Kevin and he gave me great advice.

My favorite part of the internship was working as an editing team with Ethan and John. I learned a lot about how to correctly label and save things so as to work collaboratively with other editors.

My other favorite part was the wing challenge. It was cool that I got to enter my own sauce “the magical unicorn sauce”, and yes it was magical. And everyone’s wings were good, though most of them required me drinking a lot of milk to cool off my tongue. I didn’t even try John’s because I was scared his would disintegrate my tongue. It was fun working with Joe again on a challenge. He got great footage and our videos look awesome.

Again I’m really going to miss working here. Greg, Michael, Kevin, Ed, Adam, Mike, Ethan, Joe, John, Ali, you all are awesome! Thanks for making my summer both a fun one and an educational one.

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