Modern Healthcare, one of the largest publications geared towards hospital leadership, has recently reviewed the SolidLine produced educational documentary “The Story of Lewis Blackman.” This production, which is the first in a series of twelve films SolidLine is producing along with Transparent Health, follows a young man who ended up unnecessarily dying after an elective surgery. SolidLine’s film was favored over the other 2 films being reviewed in the Modern Healthcare article, which stated:

The film is the most clinical of the three, but this strangely antiseptic feel works to increase emotional impact in some sections. Blackman’s mother, Helen Haskell, describes in even tones her harrowing experience in which her son went in for an elective surgery and bled to death in the hospital after a weekend crew failed to notice his worsening condition.

There’s a lot of blame to go around, but “The Story of Lewis Blackman” works to disarm the reflexive defensiveness of clinicians and administrators and make room for some genuine soul-searching.


SolidLine Media is a full service video production house located in the heart of downtown Chicago.  SolidLine focuses on the development of high end, engaging, and entertaining marketing, training, and educational video productions for audiences across the world.  Learn more at


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