So, after 12 months of savoring my back to back bracket titles, I, SolidLine Editor Extraordinaire John Courchane, am looking for the first ever SolidLine Three-peat. But if last year is any indication, I’ll have some challengers again this year.
SolidLine’s Director of Post Production, Michael “I Still Don’t Know Where Mercer Is” Kromm, is looking to take some of the momentum from last years hot start and carry it into this year.
Production Coordinator Allison “Don’t Forget To Pick A Winner” Miller has a sure fire strategy of actually completing a bracket this year.
And you can’t discount Adam “Is It Baseball Season Yet?” Marzec, who has reportedly spent the year learning all of Gene Hackman’s lines from Hoosiers in preparation for the pool this year.
It’s going to be a fun tournament of upsets, Cinderellas, and ONIONS! So, if you think you have what it takes to take on myself and the rest of the SolidLine Crew, fill out a bracket below!
**Please Note: the password is SolidLine180
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