Understanding is a major part the job for both sides. The client, the one with the money wanting to do a video, needs to understand what they want. The video nerds, us, needs to understand what they want. Usually us video nerds can help guide the client in figuring out what they want. Two things can happen here; One, the client comes into the process knowing exactly what they want, and the outcome can be a perfectly executed amazing video. As the Art Director, the perfect relationship between myself and the client goes like this…
Client: “Hi, Im so-and-so. I need to do a video and my budget is this amount of dollars. I have everything already storyboarded out. Here are my logos and branding guidelines.”
Me: “Perfect! Thanks!”
This sounds like a wild fantasy, but it does happen. For example, this video we did over the summer had this exact scenario, and the video turned out perfect.
Or, scenario two, for those who are still struggling with what you want out of your video, there is a way! Behold, the SolidLine Media Creative Brief! When you first set out on your video making journey, take a look at this. Fill it out as best you can. It will guide you down the path of near-perfect-video-production!
You can contact Mike Petrik at [email protected]
To learn more about SolidLine Media, visit us online at www.solidlinemedia.com. Or call 312-939-8600.
Copyright 2009 SolidLine Media, a division of KV Media Group, Inc.
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