The site is called, and it first came to our attention when Twitter follower Yesterday Productions (@ypfilms) brought it up last night. The site once dubbed itself a “turntable for video,” but earlier this year the company gave itself a reboot. Today, it’s pretty much a takeoff on Pinterest, the popular “pinboarding” site that lets you share all of the cool stuff you find online.
But Chill is all about video, which obviously caught our eye, seeing that we’re a video production company. Chill is one of those sites you log into, and before you know it, you look up and your entire afternoon has faded away. Not sure if that’s a good thing, but we had fun playing around today.
After clicking through an intro section and telling the site the kinds of things you like, it follows some users for you. Here are five videos we stumbled upon after going through the process.
1. The Art of TV and Film Design
Clip from PBS about the work that goes into creating the perfect title sequence.
2. Surfer Almost Swallowed By Whale
Pretty sure this is fake (why would somebody be filming this scene? and why aren’t the people freaking out afterwards?), but it’s pretty jaw-dropping anyhow.
3. Bob Ross Feeds A Baby Squirrel
We’ve got a thing for nature videos.
4. Incredible Yosemite Time Lapse Video
Again, NATURE!
5. Val Kilmer Loses His Glasses
Never realized how many times Val Kilmer removes his glasses in movies. Why bother wearing them in the first place? Oh, right. BECAUSE IT LOOKS SO COOL TO TAKE THEM OFF!
Have another cool website we should check out? Shoot us a Tweet or a post on our Facebook timeline!
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perfect mix of live video and motion graphics that will meet your needs