Getting Your Audience's Attention
Ensuring that you have successfully captured your audience’s attention is no easy feat. Developing a content production strategy is harder. Luckily, with SolidLine Media’s in-house video production crew at the helm, we are happy to offer you the right plan for your needs.
Here is How We Can Be of Service to You:
Determining Your Video Goals
Understanding whether your video will be used for a brand-specific or campaign-specific purpose helps us to determine what key features will be highlighted in the video. This insight will also provide us with a direction for concept development and scriptwriting, pathing the way to steer your audience towards your desired...
Understanding Your Audience
Once your goals have been confirmed, our next step is to understand the type of audience your brand has. We will want to understand what motivates your target audience, what type of videos connect with them best, and how we can prompt them into action. Some ways to profile your...
Determining the Style of Your Video
Depending on your brand, we will need to determine what sort of cinematography, design, or animation style suits your company best. We will want to know if your brand uses live-action cinematography and photography, animation, or perhaps a combination.
Optimizing Your Video
When SolidLine produces your video, we will also consider the social media platforms that your target audience uses. This helps to ensure that your videos can be repurposed or optimized for each channel.
Why Work with SolidLine Media’s Video Production Crew?
When our video production crew members work with brands, we bring award-winning experience, talent, passion, and expertise to the table. We ask questions, listen to your responses, and conduct research in order to fully understand your objectives before sharing our plan with you for your approval.
During our initial kick-off meeting, we will seek to understand what your video goals are. Will this be a brand-specific or campaign-specific video? Who are your target audience members, what garners their attention most, and how can we prompt them into action after watching your video? Detailed Pre-Production and understanding results in better videos.
Tell Us About Your Project
Regardless of the type of video your organization needs from our team, there’s a
perfect mix of live video and motion graphics that will meet your needs