When the SolidLine Rig is on the road, short of the occasional narrow street, or low lying tree, we are kings of the road. At 50 feet long, and 13 and a half feet high, SolidLine floats on a cushion of sleek technology wherever we go, and talk about arriving in style. Let’s put it this way, when we arrive at a job, EVERYONE knows it. Once we stop moving, however, the biggest challenge can sometimes be finding a parking space.

Sometimes, we have our pick of the litter in terms of places to park…

Other times, it can be a pretty tight squeeze.

During the logistics planning portion of the Pre-Production phase, half of the battle is figuring out a spot to park the truck where it will be easily accessible, out of the way, secure, and out of harms way. This can be a complicated proceedure especially if our location is in a major metropolitain city…

…in a very rural part of the country where, perhaps, the roads are narrow or in some cases, non-existant!!

Either condition requires us to be experts at both driving and navigation. Each of us has to be willing to jump out at a moments notice and re-direct traffic so someone else can turn the truck around. It’s lucky sometimes that there are usually 3 of us out on the road, because some situations require more than one person as lookout…

Since we need so many people just to travel from one location to the next, it is a good thing that the first two thirds of the truck are living quarters, leaving the last third for our high definition production gear, and the SolidLine golf cart.

Most of the time, we are able to find a nice spaceous place to park for the night at a local Wal*Mart, allowing us to do the necessary shopping for the trip all in one convenient stop. Despite the sometimes tedious driving conditions (New Jersey and New York, I’m looking in your direction), travelling on the truck is truely a fun time, with all the comforts of home.

You can contact Edward Boe at [email protected]
To learn more about SolidLine Media, visit us online at www.solidlinemedia.smartwebsitedesign.com. Or call 312-939-8600.
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